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『朋友話,只要學佢肯發生性行為,肯用手段,就可以搶走人地嘅男人』 呢句係真的,如果你真係鍾意佢,咁你就可以做架啦,但係你要知道你自己 唔可以懷孕,因為如果你仲讀緊書就會好大鑊,另外要知道M幾時到
@guest | 26 Mar. 2021
發佈於: 朋友話,只要肯用手段,就可以搶走人地嘅男人
她已經結了婚就更加睇唔起我. 我成40歲人搵唔到食, 仲結什麼婚呢? 雖然我會不斷增值自己, 學一下課程, 但有時我想買一本書, 報讀喜愛課的錢都付不起.
@guest | 26 Mar. 2021
發佈於: 搵唔到錢是否我很冇用? 很不開心....
The answer is no. You must apply in-person for the first time. After that, it will be all automatic. (Macau residents are receiving the money based on the information on file.) 2013-12-18 13:23:33 補充: 1. Yes, providing that you have an address that Macau SAR Government will send to. It also means that if you qualify, this will be the method you will receive your money in the future. 2. No.
@guest | 26 Mar. 2021
發佈於: 有關澳門派發9000元事項
吾好同佢一齊 ! 佢擺明系貪威識食女仔 如果佢真系有心同你發展 / 視你為結婚對象 點會浪費你 d 錢 , 應該儲錢先岩 穿得好和健談 ? 人人都可以做到 , 甘只可能證明 : 佢有晒拍拖經驗 , 而吾系佢真面目 ( 吾可能以前佢 d 男友話佢著衫吾得 .... )
@guest | 26 Mar. 2021
發佈於: 想聽下女士的看法
1) 你可以廟搵師父傾計 2) yahoo 知識 同討論區 3) 情緒機構 : 免費熱線 ~ 如 : 心晴行動 / 人生熱線 http://www.life-tme.org/life-tme3/index.asp
@guest | 26 Mar. 2021
發佈於: 想揾人傾偈...